Acknowledgement Awards
Our school strives to encourage positive student role modelling, behaviour and effort. Some of the ways we do this are through:
- Wall of Fame: The ‘Wall of Fame’ is a special board in the front office where students’ work is hung and celebrated. Teachers choose one new piece of work each week from their class and the student receives a certificate to recognise their achievement. It’s also a beautiful, ever-changing display of student creativity!
- Green Cards: Staff can award students at any time for adhering to and role modelling our school values of achievement, respect and teamwork. Green cards then go into the draw to be rewarded fortnightly.
- Principal Awards: Outstanding achievement or effort is recognised by Principal Awards.
- Attendance Awards: Our school recognises and rewards good attendance at school. Classes and individuals are awarded at assemblies.
- Super Student Awards: Each class teacher chooses a super student each fortnight based on their effort and achievement in the classroom and presents them with a certificate during assembly.
- Growing with Gratitude: Our Wellbeing Leader recognises students showing growth in their learning and social skills, or for their appreciation and gratefulness of other people or the world around them by awarding fortnightly Growing with Gratitude certificates.
- Random Acts of Kindness: Our student leaders award RAOK awards each fortnight to any member of our school community.
- Science and Physical Education Awards: Specialist teachers recognise students each fortnight for their effort and academic achievement.