School Services



Uniforms and hats with the Barmera Primary School logo are available for purchase in the front office. For your convenience we also stock generic navy pants, navy shorts, navy skorts and blue/white checked dresses and a range of hair accessories in school colours, however families are welcome to purchase clothing of school colours from other retail outlets.
There is a box in the front office of free second hand uniforms. Families are welcome to help themselves to whatever they need. We appreciate donations of uniforms in good condition for our second hand box.

Bus Service

A free bus service is available for students living outside of a 5km radius of the school.

Lunch Orders

Lunch and recess are available to order on Mondays and Thursdays. Orders and payments are processed electronically through the Qkr app.


Our playgroup is open to the whole community, for children under 5. It operates from 9-10.30 each Wednesday morning. Our Playgroup Coordinator, Joy Packer, organises fun and educational activities for families to enjoy with their children.

Wellbeing Leader


Our onsite Wellbeing Leader, Tegan, works four days per week to support students in attendance, behaviour and relationships to optimise learning. Tegan runs breakfast club in the mornings and lunchtime craft activities to encourage strong social connections and healthy friendships. Tegan is also available to offer advice and build connections between the school, families as well as external services and agencies.


Happy Haven run the OSHC Program for the Barmera Primary Schoool.

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 3.20pm – 6pm

Bookings are essential on 8155 5444 or online at

During OSHC, children participate in a range of activities to help develop new skills and ideas, and to encourage constructive and creative use of leisure time. The Happy Haven team aim to provide a happy, safe, clean, comfortable and secure environment that fosters respect for others, trust, confidence, independence, respect and friendship.