Barmera Primary School has two enrolment intakes, one for children at the beginning of the year (intake 1) and one for children to start school in term 3 (intake 2).
If your child turns 5 years old:
- before 1 May they can start reception in term 1 of that year.
- between 1 May and 31 October, they can start reception in term 3 (mid-year).
- after 31 October they can start reception in the following year.
Children who start reception at the beginning of the year will generally complete 4 terms of reception, while children who start reception through the mid-year intake will complete 6 terms of reception.
If you are considering enrolling your child to start school mid-year (ie term 3), you might be interested in the preschool mid-year the year prior, so they can do 4 terms before starting school.
To enrol, families need to complete an enrolment form and provide a copy of their child’s birth certificate. School material and service charges are due at the start of each school year, or from the term your child commences school. Fees are set by our Governing Council, following Dfe Guidelines, at the beginning of each year. Please refer to our Materials and Services Charges for further information. To assist with the payment of fees our school accepts payment in instalments which can be arranged with our Finance Officer. Our school is also able to assist with applying for Government assistance for fees through Centrelink.